9 October 2015

How to Lock Keyboard

I loose some useful data from my computer due to my kid was playing with keyboard unexpectedly my data was deleted. at that time i search on google i found one third party software i.e. Keyboard locker, its very helpful to me and using also very easy.

1. Download the software through the below link.
copy the blow link and past in you browser(url location)


find Download Keyboard Locker from the link, its download one zip file 

2. extract that file and double click on keyboardlocker.exe 
3. then go to your notification area its showing one keyboard icon just keep your mouse cursor point its showing Press Ctrl+Alt+L to lock your computer

4. you just hold Ctrl+Alt and press L key, your keyboard is locked
5. For Unlock, you just type "unlock" then your keyboard is unlocked

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