9 December 2013

Command Prompt Disabled by Virus, How to enable it..?

Hello my dear Friends.....
If you run the command prompt (cmd.exe), you will get an error saying "The command prompt has been disabled by your Virus or Administrator". At that time there are some ways in which you can re-enable it. Here I’m post some such few simple techniques using which you can easily enable the command prompt.
1. Go to Run command (hold Windows button press R key)
2) Type gpedit.msc and press Enter.
3) Navigate to User Configuration/ Administrative Templates / System.
4) In the right side panel, double click on "Prevent access to the command prompt".
5) In the popup dialog, encircle Disabled and click OK. 
6) You should be able to immediately use the command prompt.
 If you still cannot access it, once restart your computer then it will work properly 

Thank you

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